June 6, 2022
(Delivered by Gadir Lavadenz, Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice)
Mr/Madam Chair,
This statement is delivered on behalf of the Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice.
First, we want to express our deepest solidarity with all those impacted by wars and other acts of violence in our world today.
Second, we want to ask delegates: Why will Bonn be any different than before?
Globally, we are facing war financed by the same fossil fuels warming our planet. Are governments going to address fossil fuel dependency properly?
Loss and damage impacts are more evident than ever affecting the people least responsible for climate change. Will the top historical polluters still run away from their responsibilities?
Finance remains far below the promised $100 billion as the Green Climate Fund runs dry, and the most-polluting Parties avoid any new discussion of concrete figures. Will Parties legally responsible for providing climate finance deliver on their international obligations?
Polluting countries and corporations have already locked in the use of dangerous and ineffective carbon markets through Article 6.2 and 6.4. Now, Parties have an opportunity to advance real solutions that will reduce emissions through Article 6.8. Will they take this opportunity or keep focusing on dangerous distractions?
Global stock taking starts as new data shows 40% of developed fossil fuel reserves must stay in the ground to limit warming within 1.5C. But will we watch yet another discussion end without action?
Given the moment of urgency we are living in, we denounce the hyper focus on Net Zero, Nature-based solutions, geoengineering and other distractions that derail us from addressing the real estructural causes of climate change.
Finally and respectfully, we hope that under your guidance time allocation is managed in a way that allows us to speak to an actual crowd instead of to an empty room.
Thank you very much
People power climate justice!