Tag Archives: Human Rights


I am Erica Njuguna from Kenya, speaking on behalf of the Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice. I voluntarily and readily disclose that I have no direct or financial ties to the fossil fuel industry or other polluting industries.

We see a ROUGH road to Baku given the little progress and deepening distrust here in Bonn.

BURYING data from Annex 1 reports that showed the richest nations cut only one-fifth of their emissions does NOT reverse the deteriorating spirit of cooperation. Under-delivery of the promised climate finance of 100 bn dollars has further shown the true face of the developed countries who have gotten rich on the backs of our lives and our communities.

Rich countries need to step up to their responsibilities and must drastically cut their own emissions and immediately phase out all fossil fuels. If rich countries are looking to rebuild trust with the Global South, they must not block progress on an ambitious NCQG that goes towards real solutions and not towards dangerous distractions. Carbon finance is NOT climate finance, and selling it as such serves only polluters.

We need reparations in trillions not billions, and we need them to go towards real solutions – those developed by peoples who are at the frontlines and suffer the disproportionate impacts of the climate crisis.

Lastly, we want to reiterate there can be no business as usual during a genocide. Despite a resolution on a ceasefire being passed in the UN Security Council, bombing and attacks have continued in Gaza. These issues are deeply interlinked and these same actors are perpetuating both the climate crisis and the systemic violence happening around the world.

There is no climate justice on occupied land and there is no climate justice without human rights.

More than 100 Climate Justice and Human Rights Organisations Call on German Government to End Suppression of Pro-Palestinian Voices

As a global network of human rights and climate justice organisations, we stand in unwavering solidarity with the people of Palestine. We see the struggle of the Palestinian people against occupation and apartheid as part of our collective struggle for climate, racial, economic, gender, and political justice and for a world where everyone has the right to live with dignity, free from oppression. Our commitment to justice, equity, and the preservation of our planet drives us to speak out against the interconnected injustices that fuel both human rights abuses and environmental destruction. It is in this spirit that we condemn the actions of the German government in suppressing pro-Palestine events and its complicity in the ongoing violence against the people of Palestine and Gaza.

Recent events in Germany have highlighted a disturbing trend of silencing dissent and stifling the voices of those who stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine. German police recently cracked down on peaceful pro-Palestinian protestors, with numerous incidents of excessive force and arbitrary detentions reported during demonstrations across major cities like Berlin. We stand in solidarity with the activists who have been subjected to unwarranted surveillance, and organisations that support Palestinian rights who have faced increased scrutiny and restrictions.

We call out this suppression that extends to the academic sphere as well, with experts like Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta, a British-Palestinian surgeon and witness to acts of war crimes by Israel in Gaza, being denied entry into Germany and other prominent figures like Yanis Varoufakis and Salman Abu Sitta simply for expressing solidarity with Palestine.

We condemn the German media and the political leaders for their racist and islamophobic rhetoric vilifying Palestine voices and supporters by attempting to brand anti-zionist narratives as anti-semetic.

By cracking down on peaceful protestors and banning experts, it is clear that the German government would rather align itself with oppressive regimes and contribute to the perpetuation of ongoing injustices in Gaza. This trend is not isolated to Germany; similar crackdowns on peaceful protests have been observed across the Global North, including the United States, where student protests on campuses in support of Palestine have also faced violent crackdown.

We also recall the hypocritical stance of Germany and the European Union lawmakers against Egypt, host of COP27 in 2022. As nations that talk about upholding fundamental human rights like the right to freedom of expression, and the right to assembly and association, the suppression of pro-Palestine activities and Palestinian voices in large parts of the Global North has laid bare the hegemony of the western world and exposed the truth of their “moral superiority”.

We call out Germany’s complicity in the ongoing conflict in Gaza that extends beyond the censorship of Palestinian voices. Between 2001 and 2020, Germany exported approximately $1.7 billion worth of military equipment to Israel. Its defence export approvals to Israel in 2023 rose nearly tenfold from the previous year and accounts for nearly 30% of arms supplied to Israel thus enabling the ongoing assault on Palestine and Gaza.

As of May 2024, the ongoing conflict in Gaza has resulted in over 36,000 Palestinian deaths, with the majority being women and children. More than 200 days of war has led to mass graves, crippled hospitals, thousands of civilian deaths and near total destruction of infrastructure in Gaza, including residential areas, schools, and universities. A child is killed or wounded every 10 mins in Gaza, more than 10,000 women have been killed, including 2 mothers killed every hour in Gaza, and 250 Palestinians are killed every day by Israel. Nearly 200 aid workers, more than 100 journalists and 493 healthcare workers have been killed in Gaza so far.

Right to health has been decimated in Gaza, as 84 per cent of all health facilities are damaged or destroyed and 62 percent of all homes have been destroyed in Gaza. Israel, supported by its western allies, including Germany, has consistently used starvation as a weapon of war, the devastating effects of which can be seen throughout Gaza as nearly 1.1 million people in Gaza are facing catastrophic levels of food insecurity.

It is inexcusable that Germany and its western allies continue to arm a state engaged in such acts of aggression and human rights violations against the people of Palestine. We hold Germany and its western allies accountable for their unwavering support for Israel, as the majority of the world supports the South Africa’s genocide case against Israel  in ICJ as well as the ICC case where the ICC prosecutor recently requested arrest warrants for Israel’s prime minister and defence minister

We condemn Germany and western world’s silence on these proceedings that allow Israel to continue its genocidal war and intimidation with impunity and shows total destruction of the global rules based system.

A recent report by Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, states “Israel’s executive and military leadership and soldiers have intentionally distorted jus in bello principles, subverting their protective functions, in an attempt to legitimise genocidal violence against the Palestinian people”. We call on Germany, and the international community to uphold its moral and legal obligation to stop these attacks and support efforts that promote justice, accountability, and the protection of human rights for all.

We demand Germany and the western world to redirect resources expended on conflict and arms to address the pressing issue of climate change. In 2020, global military expenditure reached nearly $2 trillion. In addition to the direct financial cost, the carbon footprint of the world’s militaries is substantial at nearly 5.5% of the global emissions. The destruction caused by conflict leads to environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, and the displacement of communities, all of which compound the challenges of climate change.

The financial priorities of major powers also reflect a troubling disparity between military aid and climate action. Since 2016, the US has been giving Israel a military aid of $3.3 billion every year, which means, from 2016-2023, the US has spent $26.4 billion of public finance as military aid to Israel, a country that has been responsible for the oppression and apartheid of more than 5 million Palestinian people, including displacement of more than 2 million people within Gaza. In 2022, the US did not meet its climate finance obligation based on its historical responsibility, yet continued the delivery of the $3.3 billion military aid to Israel.  The struggle for human rights and the fight for climate justice are inextricably linked. Both are driven by the need to challenge systems of oppression and exploitation that prioritise profit and power over people and the planet. The colonial extractive systems that underpin the current climate crisis are the same systems that fuel conflict and human rights abuses.

We strongly reaffirm our solidarity with the people of Palestine and call on the global community to stand in unity with the oppressed. As we gather for the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bonn from 3 June to 13 June 2024, we call on Germany and all our governments and international bodies to work together to end the war, and to bring all those responsible for war crimes to justice. We demand an end to the occupation and genocide of the Palestinian people and all those who are fighting for justice and dignity. We call on governments, corporations, and civil society to join us in challenging the systems of oppression and exploitation that threaten our planet and our future. There is no climate justice without human rights.

Our Demands

We call on the German government to:

  • End Impunity: Stop support for Israel, including ending arms sales to Israel particularly in the context of human rights violations and stop all support and funding to Israel immediately. Political alliances should not take precedence over human lives.
  • Support a Just Peace in Palestine: Advocate for a just and lasting resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that respects the rights and dignity of all individuals.
  • Uphold Right to Free Speech and Assembly:  Respect the rights to free speech and peaceful assembly of Palestinian voices including the global civil society by allowing events and protests to proceed without intimidation or harassment
  • Redirect Military Spending to Climate Action: Reallocate military spending towards climate finance and to support peoples led solution to climate crisis

We also call on the international community to:

  • Immediate Ceasefire: We echo the calls of the United Nations Secretary General and  humanitarian and human rights organisations for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza
  • End the illegal blockade: Urgent humanitarian and emergency aid must be provided to civilians in Gaza. The people of Gaza are in dire need of medical supplies, food, water, and other essential resources, which need to be restored urgently.
  • Hold Israel Accountable: Ensure that Israel is held accountable for its genocidal war in Gaza and violations of international law and human rights, including its recent offensive in Rafah
  • Stop Racism, Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism: We stand in solidarity with our comrades in the Jewish and Muslim communities who face bigotry. The struggle for climate justice is a struggle for racial justice.
  • Promote Systemic Change: Challenge the colonial and extractive systems that drive both environmental destruction and human rights abuses.

Launching Organisations

Colectivo VientoSur, Chile

Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development

Third World Network

War on Want

Corporate Accountability


Aliança RECOs – Aliança em Redes de Comutiária desde o Sul Global

ANGRY – alliance of non-governmental radical youth


Centre for Environment, Human Rights & Development Forum – CEHRDF

EDGE Funders Alliance 

Equal Right

Food Justice Network 

Global Forest Coalition

IBON International

International Rivers

JASS – Just Associates

Laboratorio Experimental do Som 

Movimento Mulheres pela Paz na Palestina

Parable of Sower Intentional Community Cooperative


Society for International Development

The Rights Studio 



Africa for SDGs 



Asociación La Ruta del Clima 

Black Earth Kollektiv

Comitê de Energia Renovável do Semiárido-CERSA

Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa 


DARE Direct Action for Rights and Equality

End Fossil, Occupy! Utrecht 

Good Health Community Programmes 

Hawaii Peace and Justice

Indigenous Environmental Network

La Ruta del Clima 

Labor/Community Strategy Center

Migrant Workers Voice 

Mines mineral and people

Micronesia Climate Change Alliance

Natural Justice

Permanecer en la Tierra, Red Regional Latinoamérica y Caribe

Ponlok Khmer Organization

Regional Advocacy for Women’s Sustainable Advancement(RAWSA) Alliance for African&Arab States

Women Working Together USA


All Nepal Women’s Association (Socialist)

Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva

Association Nigerienne des Scouts de l’Environnement (ANSEN)

Association pour la Conservation et la Protection des Écosystèmes des Lacs et l’Agriculture Durable 

Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association (BELA)

Brigada Cimarrona Sebastián Lemba.

Centro de estudios Heñói 


Equidad de Género: Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia

Food Sovereignty Alliance, India

Food Sovereignty and Climate Justice Forum/ TAFJA< Nepal

Free lanes 

Friends of the Earth Australia

Grassroots Global Justice Alliance

Grupo Temático Saúde e Ambiente da Abrasco

Indian National Trade Union Congress-INTUC

Indian Social Action Forum 

International Islamic University, Islamabad 

Iser Assessoria

Kaam Aaj

Keine Organisation


Lützi lebt

Monitoring Sustainability of Globalisation

National Fisheries Solidarity Movement 

National Sudanese Women Association 

Organisation Paysanne Pour lr Développement Durable

Otros Mundos Chiapas/Amigos de la Tierra México

Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum 

Palestinian Farmers Union, PFU

Participatory Development Action Program

Plataforma Boliviana Frente al Cambio Climático

Pragroshor -A Feminists Training and Resource Centre  

Roots for Equity

Secretária nacional do meio ambiente e desenvolvimento do Partido dos Trabalhadores Brasil


Twaweza Community Development Agenda

Unión de Afectados por Texaco. (UDAPT)

Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar

Vikas Adhyayan Kendra

Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (WALHI)

Women and Modern World Social Charitable Center(CWMW)

Women for Green Economy Movement Uganda

World March of Women Kenya 


We stand with the People of Palestine! We stand for Justice, Human Rights and Freedom!

More than 350 organisations all over the world condemn the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people and demand an end to apartheid and occupation of Palestine.

As movements fighting against systems of injustice that view black, brown and indigenous peoples as disposable, to be sacrificed by racist and colonial systems of exploitation and domination, we see the struggle of the Palestinian people against occupation and apartheid as part and parcel of our collective struggle for climate, racial, economic and political justice and for a world where everyone has the right to live with dignity, free from oppression.

We are enraged and grieve equally the loss of lives of all civilians – Palestinian and Israeli – that have taken place since 7 October and call for those responsible to be held accountable for their actions. 

We decry the fact that for many Northern Governments,  Palestinian lives are deemed as being of less value and worth as those of Israeli citizens. This has allowed tens of thousands of Palestinians being killed with impunity over the decades as a result of Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine. People whose names and dreams, like those of our peoples in the global South, sacrificed to colonialism. 

In the latest indiscriminate bombing of Gaza, Israel has already killed more than 8800 Palestinians including at least 3648 children, displacing over 1.4 million people, as it collectively punishes the Palestinian people. In just one week, between 7-12 October, Israel dropped over 6,000 bombs on the Palestinian people living under its illegal occupation, more than the US dropped in a whole year during its war on Afghanistan. Whilst Human Rights Watch has confirmed that Israel has used a banned chemical weapon – white phosphorous – in civilian areas in the Gaza Strip, causing severe burns and uncontrollable fires. 

We are devastated by the  bombing of the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza which killed 471 injured and sick Palestinians, including women, children, doctors, nurses, and those seeking refuge from the retaliatory bombardment by Israel. To date, the World Health Organisation has documented 76 attacks on healthcare workers, 218 healthcare facilities including 17 hospitals have been attacked, as well as attacks on UN schools where Palestinians are sheltering for safety.

The Occupied Palestinian Territory of Gaza is facing a “complete siege” with the purposeful targeting of civilian infrastructure such as hospitals and schools which constitute war crimes under international law. Israel is also blocking food, water, fuel and medicine to a captive population of 2.3 million Palestinians, half of whom are children, as a weapon of war.

While in the Occupied Palestinian Territory of the West Bank, Israel has imposed a total blockade. The Israeli military is attacking Palestinians protesting the genocide in the Gaza Strip with lethal military force, and is providing thousands of weapons to Israeli settlers inside the West Bank, who are attacking and killing Palestinians.

Israel has openly made genocidal statements that ‘Gaza will be reduced to rubble’ and called the Palestinians ‘human animals’. As climate justice movements we recognise the language of racism and colonialism that has been used to justify the sacrificing and killing of so many of our people across the global South.

The current war in Gaza is not an isolated event but is deeply rooted in ongoing colonization, illegal occupation, systemic injustices, and historical oppression of Palestine by an apartheid state. Israel has repeatedly disregarded the international humanitarian law and human rights principles that demand the protection of civilians, especially in conflict zones, as it escalated its genocidal attacks in Gaza. 

Israel is planning a ground offensive with intent to indiscriminately kill Palestinians in north Gaza; and aims to ethnically cleanse more Palestinians in a single day than during the Nakba (Arabic for ‘catastrophe’) in 1948, when over 750,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes – or any day since in their ongoing settler-colonial occupation of Palestine. The vast majority of Palestinians in Gaza are refugees from the Nakba.

The situation has never been more urgent. In the words of the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), “Gaza is running out of life”. As vital resources run out and Gaza’s health infrastructure – already battered by Israel’s 16 year-long blockade and periodic bombardment – ‘collapse before our eyes’, Gaza’s remaining hospitals are turning into morgues.

We call for an immediate ceasefire, and for the international community to break the blockade and end the collective punishment of the Palestinian people. We must bring an end to apartheid and occupation. 

We are appalled at the US and UK refusing to support the resolutions at the United Nations Security Council calling for a ceasefire to allow humanitarian aid access to the Gaza Strip. The complicity of powerful Western nations in enabling Israel to carry out these actions with impunity is a matter of grave concern. Despite the growing evidence of human rights violations, the provision of military and financial support to Israel from these nations continues unabated. The disregard for the lives of Palestinian people is inexcusable, and it is incumbent upon these nations to end their arming of Israel and prioritise human rights.

We also call out the role and bias of politicians and international media, led by northern media, fueling the islamophobic rhetoric and dehumanization of the Palestinian people as well as the role of international tech companies and platforms in allowing the rise of islamophobic and anti-semitic hate speech and fake news.

We condemn the attempt by Northern Governments – from Germany, France, to the UK, to attempt to criminalize and ban our movements from marching and calling for Justice for Palestine. The attacks on our right to protest mirror the attacks on climate protests that are taking place in countries that bear the greatest responsibility for these injustices.

We stand in immutable solidarity with the people of Gaza and all victims of brutality and demand upholding of international law and human rights principles to protect innocent civilians. 

We also stand in solidarity with Palestinians and Jews who are protesting Israel’s bombardment of Gaza and advocating for peace and justice in the region. We condemn actions taken by several governments around the world to stop these protests and the arrest of peaceful demonstrators.

There can be no peace without justice and it is a moral imperative for the global community to stand in unity with the oppressed. We call on all our governments and international bodies to work together to end the war, and to bring all those responsible for war crimes to justice. We demand an end to the occupation and genocide of the Palestinian people and urge for resolution that can ensure that both Palestinians and Israelis can live with security and dignity.

Our Demands

In light of the ongoing violence and the appalling human rights violations in Gaza by the apartheid state of Israel, we call for the following urgent measures:

Immediate Ceasefire: We echo the calls of the United Nations Secretary General and  humanitarian and human rights organisations for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

End the illegal blockade: Urgent humanitarian and emergency aid must be provided to civilians in Gaza. The people of Gaza are in dire need of medical supplies, food, water, and other essential resources, which need to be restored urgently.

Stop War Crimes: Israel must be held accountable for its actions that breach international law, including attacks on hospitals, forced evacuations, and the illegal blockade on Gaza for decades.

End Impunity: All those responsible for war crimes including the State of Israel must be held to account for their actions. All civilian hostages, including the thousands of Palestinian political prisoners held without charge or trial must be released. Western powers must stop their support for Israel, including ending arms sales to Israel particularly in the context of human rights violations and stop all support and funding to Israel immediately. Political alliances should not take precedence over human lives.

End Apartheid and Occupation: We support the self-determination of the Palestinian people. We call on Israel to end its system of apartheid and for the right of return and compensation to Palestinian refugees. We call on the international community to finally uphold the UN resolutions for a safe, secure and viable State of Palestine alongside a State of Israel.

Stop Racism, Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism: We stand in solidarity with our comrades in the Jewish and Muslim communities facing an increase in racist attacks. The struggle for climate justice is a struggle for racial justice.

Click here to sign the statement

Note: the statement will be regularly updated with new information as well as signatories



Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND)

Arab States CSOs & Feminist Network

Asia-Europe Peoples’ Forum (AEPF)

Asia Pacific Forum on Women Law and Development (APWLD)

Asia Pacific Network for Food Sovereignty (APNFS)

Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD)

Association for Promotion Sustainable Development

Better Tomorrow Solar, Inc.

Corporate Accountability

Centre for Environment, Human Rights & Development Forum (CEHRDF)

Christian Aid

Climate Action Network Arab World  (CANAW)

Climate Action Network Southeast Asia

Comite O. Romero – Sicsal Chile

Commission for Filipino Migrant Organizations in Europe

Equal Right

Fight Inequality Alliance (FIA)

Friends of the Earth Asia Pacific

Focus on the Global South

Fridays For Future (MAPA)

Gender Action

Global Ecovillage Network

Global Forest Coalition (GFC)

Global Interfaith Network 

Global Law Thinkers Society (GLTS)


Habitat International Coalition (HIC)

Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN)

Initiatives for International Dialogue (IID)

Integrated Policy Research Institute

La Verità Onlus International Diplomacy (V.O.I.D)

LDC Watch

Masimanyane Women’s Rights International

MENA Fem Movement for Economic, Development and Ecological Justice 

Migrant Workers Voice

Millennia2025 Women and Innovation Foundation

Networked Intelligence for Development (NID)

NGO Forum on ADB

Oil Change International (OCI)

OilWatch Africa

Pacific Islands Climate Action Network

Passionists International

Platform for Filipino Migrant Organizations in Europe

Politics 4Her

Regional Advocacy For Women’s Sustainable Advancement(RAWSA) Alliance for African & Arab States

Reseau TANMO

Rivers without Boundaries Coalition

Society for International Development (SID)

South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication  (SAAPE)

Southern Africa People’s Solidarity Network

Surge Africa Organisation

Sustainable Sarah

Sustainably Wise 

The Sunrise Project

Third World Network (TWN)

Transnational Migrant Platform Europe (TMP-E)

VIVAT International

Water Justice and Gender

Women & Gender Constituency MENA

WoMin African Alliance

World Friends for Africa Burkina Faso

Yes to Life, No to Mining (YLNM) 



Aotearoa Maori

Auckland Peace Action

Climate Club New Zealand

Climate Justice Taranaki

Environmental Justice Ōtepoti

Generation Zero

Rise Up for Climate Justice Aotearoa

The Crooked Spoke


FUNAM (Environmental Defense Foundation)

Periodistas por el Planeta


UN Association of Australia Queensland Branch


Bangladesh Adivasi Samity

Bangladesh Bacolight Shramik Federation

Bangladesh Bhasaman Nari Shramik

Bangladesh Bhasaman Shramik Union

Bangladesh Chattra Sabha

Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association (BELA)

Bangladesh Jatyo Shramik Federation

Bangladesh Krishok Federation

Bangladesh Kishani Sabha

Bangladesh Krishok Sabha

Bangladesh Bhumiheen Samity

Bangladesh Rural Intellectuals’ Front

Bangladesh Sangjukto Shramik Federation

Bangladesh Shramik Federation

Charbangla Bittoheen Samobay Samity

COAST Foundation

Emarat Nirman Shramik Bangladesh

Equity and Justice Working Group, Bangladesh [EquityBD]

Ganochhaya Sanskritic Kendra

Jago, Bangladesh. Garment Workers’ Federation

KOTHOWAIN (Vulnerable Peoples Development Organization) 

La Verita Onlus Bangladesh chapter (V.O.I.D.)

Motherland Garment Workers’ Federation

Pittacchara Forest and Biodiversity Initiatives

Progressive Peasants’ Council 

Ready Made Garment Workers’ Federation

UBINIG (Policy Research for Development Alternative)

Voices for Interactive Choice and Empowerment (VOICE)

Waterkeepers Bangladesh

Youthnet For Climate Justice – Youthnet Global 


Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt (CADTM Belgium)


Plataforma Boliviana Frente al Cambio Climático


Reacción Climática



Fórum da Amazônia Oriental (FAOR)

Frente Ampla Democrática Socioambiental (FADS)


SUSTENTAR Interdisciplinary Institute for Studies and Research on Sustainability


Vision GRAM-International


Alianza Basura Cero Chile

Antu Kai Mawen, Música tierra

Colectivo VientoSur

Comité dd.hh. y Ecológicos de Quilpué

Coordinadora Nacional de Inmigrantes de Chile

Fundación El Arbol

Movimiento por el Agua y los Territorios (MAT)

Observatorio del maltrato a personas mayores. Quilpué

Red de Acción por los Derechos Ambientales (RADA)


Censat Agua Viva

Habitat Bambú

Plataforma Colombiana de Niñez y Juventud

Vamos Por los Derechos


Ekumenická akademie (Ecumenical Academy)


Organisation Paysanne Pour le Développement Durable


Acción Ecológica


Colectivo de Geografía Crítica del Ecuador

New Woman Foundation


CESTA Friends of the Earth El Salvador


Diverse voices and Action (DIVA) for Equality

Fiji Youth SRHR Alliance

SISI Initiative Site Support Group 


SOS Moorea


Kolumbienkampagne Berlin

#LifeNotCoal – #LebenStattKohle


Asociación Ceiba


Réseau des femmes pour l’ environnement et le développement durable


Justice Institute Guyana, Inc.

The Greenheart Movement


Ecore Honduras

Foro Indigena 


All India Women Hawkers Federation (AIWHF)

Bharat Jan Vigyan Jatha (BJVJ)

Environics Trust

Himalaya Niti Abhiyan

Indian Social Action Forum (INSAF)

Kamgar Ekata Union

Mines, minerals and People (mmP)

National Alliance of Agriculture & Allied Workers Union (NAAWU)

National Hawker Federation (NHF)

People’s Union of Civil Liberties (PUCL)


Aksi Ekologi and Emansipasi Rakyat – AEER (Ecological Action and People’s Emancipation)

Gema Alam NTB

Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ)

National Network for Domestic Workers Advocacy (Jala PRT)

WALHI (Friends of the Earth Indonesia)

Women Working Group (WWG)


Darya Developing Women and Community


Ecojustice Ireland

Financial Justice Ireland

Friends of the Earth Ireland


Syndicat des Enseignants de l’Education Nationale, de l’Enseignement Technique et Professionnel (SYENET)


Imani, Hope & Love Foundation


Friends of the Earth Japan

UNISC International


Dibeen for Environmental Development


Daughters of Mumbi Global Resource Center

Hope for Kenya Slum Adolescents Initiative


Centre for Independent Journalism

Klima Action Malaysia  (KAMY)

Monitoring Sustainability of Globalization (MSN)

Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) – Friends of the Earth


Learn Sustain 


Association for the Promotion of Young Girls and Women (AMPJF)


Alianza Mexicana Contra el Fracking

Asociación Ecológica Santo Tomás


Conexiones Climáticas

Equidad de Género: Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia

Freshwater Action Network Mexico


Oyu Tolgoi Watch


Karen Environmental Social Action Network (KESAN)

Karen Rivers Watch (KRW), Myanmar 

Save the Salween Network (SSN), Myanmar 


All Nepal Peasants Federation (ANPFa)

All Nepal Women Association (ANWA)

Beyond Beijing Committee Nepal

Center for Good Governance and Peace (CGGAP)

Defenders of Nature

Digo Bikas Institute (DBI)

Fight Inequality Alliance Nepal (FIA) Nepal

Forum for Community Upliftment System Nepal (FOCUS-Nepal)

General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT)

Jagaran, Nepal

National Alliance for Human Rights and Social Justice (Human Rights Alliance Nepal)

National Campaign for Sustainable Development Nepal

Nepal Integrated Development Initiation (NIDI)

Rural Reconstruction Nepal

Tax and Fiscal Justice Alliance (TAFJA Nepal) 



Association Nigérienne des Scouts de l’Environnement (ANSEN)


Green Leaf Advocacy and Empowerment Center

Peace Point Development Foundation (PPDF)


Akhuwat Kissan

ALC Law 

Anjuman e Muzareen e Punjab

ASR Resource Center

Beaconhouse National Uni

Cholistan Development Council

Clean and Green Khai

Climate Activists Collective

Community Developers Association (CDA)

Community Initiatives for Development Pakistan (CIDP)

Crofter Foundation

Feminist Collective Pakistan

Gilgit-Baltistan Social Welfare Organization

Haqooq e Khalq Movement

Home Net Pakistan

Indus Consortium for Humanitarian, Environment and Development Initiative

Kissan Ikkat

Kissan Karkeela 

Kissan Ravi Club

Labour Education Foundation

Labour Qomi Movement

Lok Sujag


Pakistan Kissan Rabita Committee (PKRC)

Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF)

Pakistan Institute of Labour Education and Research (PILER)

Policy Research Institute for Equitable Development (PRIED)

Progressive Student’s Collective


Sawera Foundation

Sindh Hari Porchat Council

South Asia Partnership Pakistan

Sukaar Welfare Organization

Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI)

Tameer e Nau Women’s Worker Organization

Textile Powerloom Garments Workers Federation

Vision Building Future

Visionary Forum

Young Reformers


Colectiva de Geografía Crítica Contingente Perú

Movimiento Ciudadano frente al Cambio Climático

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

TierrActiva Peru


350 Pilipinas

Aniban ng Manggagawa sa Agrikultura (AMA)

Bantay Kita

Break- free Pilipinas, Break – free from Fossil Gas – Philippine Campaign

Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino (BMP-Workers Solidarity)

Center for Migrant Advocacy (CMA)

Computer Professionals’ Union

Ecological Justice Interfaith Movement (ECOJIM)

ETC Group Philippines

Fellowship for the Care of Creation Association, Inc. (FCCAI)

Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC)

Gitib, Inc.

Katribu Kalipunan ng Katutubong Mamamayan ng Pilipinas

Kongreso ng Pagkakaisa ng Maralita ng Lungsod (KPML)

Oriang Women’s Movement

Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM)

Philippine Movement for Climate Justice (PMCJ)


SAVE Philippines

Samahan ng Progresibong Kabataan (SPARK)

Solidarity for People’s Education and Lifelong Learning (SPELL)

Task Force Detainees of the Philippines

Youth for Climate Justice –Mindanao

Youth for Climate Justice –Tacloban


Associação Academia Cidadã


Unite Community




Sierra Leone School Green Club (SLSGC)


Kalkal Human Rights Development Organization (KAHRDO)


Korea Federation for Environmental Movement -KFEM ( Friends of the Earth Korea)


Ecologistas en Acción

Observatori del Deute en la Globalització (ODG)


Biowatch South Africa

Centre for Social Change (University of Johannesburg)

groundWork, Friends of the Earth, South Africa


OILWatch South Sudan


Lanka Fundamental Rights Organization

We Women Lanka Network


National Sudanese Women Association


Zan va Zamin (Women and Earth)


Greener Tanzania Livelihood Organization (GTLO)

Integrating Capacity and Community Advancement Organization (ICCAO) 


Extinction Rebellion Gambia


Gender Justice & Sustainable Development Consultancy


Dialektika Timor-Leste


Association pour la Protection de l’Environnement et le Développement Durable de Bizerte (APEDDUB)


Disability Peoples Forum Uganda

Innovations for Development (I4DEV)

Paradigm for social justice and development


Bretton Woods Project

Center for Alternative Technology

Climate Justice Coalition

Climate Live / Stop Rosebank


Global Justice Now (GJN)

Greener Jobs Alliance

Nerve Magazine

Seaford Environmental Alliance

Unite Wirral NW/96

War on Want 

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF-UK) 



Earth Ethics, Inc.

Earth Justice Ministries

Faithfully Sustainable

Fossil Free Media

Jewish Voice for Peace

Justice is Global

Social Eco Education (SEE)

The California Allegory

The Oakland Institute


Ecoforum of NGOs of Uzbekistan

Ассоциация “За экологически чистую Фергану”(Association for an Environmentally Friendly Fergana)

Ziyo Nur


Fundacion Aguaclara

Venezuelan Political Ecology Observatory 


Center of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights 


Zambia Climate Action Network Foundation


Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD)


Tian Chua , Former Member of Parliament, Malaysia

Atty. Corazón Valdez – Fabros, Co-President, International Peace Bureau (IPB)

Alexandra Arntsen, Lecturer, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom

Prof. Naser Abdelkarim, Arab American University, Palestine

Yasmine Ibrahim, The American University in Cairo, Egypt

Gert Van Hecken, Asso. professor, University of Antwerp, Belgium

Ray Bush, Professor Emeritus, University of Leeds, United Kingdom

Helen Saldanha, Social Work, India

Lisa Marie Smith, Retired Nurse, England

Amal Ibrahim Sabri, Retired Egyptian Environment & Development Consultant & Researcher, Egypt

Sohair Sabry, Retired Translator and Writer, Egypt

Cristina Santacruz, MA Student, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador

Eleonoora Karttunen, Doctoral Researcher, University of Finland, Finland

Erich Vogt, Lecturer, University of Toronto, Canada

Lukas Slothuus, Post Doctoral Researcher, University of Sussex, United Kingdom

Mahar Safdar Ali, Social Activist, Association of People of Asia, Pakistan

Lama Dajani, Artist, Damascus, Syria

Luca Ferrari, Researcher, Mexico

Megan Fraser, Future Led, Vancouver, Canada

Lora Barry, Canada

Aleida Azamar Alonso, Researcher, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México

Mark Vossler, USA